Jude, the brother of James and Jesus, warned that apostasy (a falling away from the faith) is often sparked by various lust patterns. In his letter, Jude provided examples of various lust patterns that will derail the believer’s spiritual advance (Jude). Using several Old Testament examples, Jude warned against envy (Cain), the lust for wealth (Balaam), and the lust for power (Korah) (Jude 1:11). Jude also warned his readers against sexual immorality. He provided Sodom and Gomorrah as the example (Jude 1:7).
Contrary to the world around us, Christians are instructed to practice the highest of standards regarding sexual matters. Like in the case of the Apostle Paul, remaining single (and therefore, celibate) is always a viable option. However, as to those not lead by God to remain single, the Bible gives very clear advice. They should marry. At First Corinthians 7:2-3, the Apostle Paul taught,
But because of sexual immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. The husband is to fulfill his duty [conjugal] to his wife, and likewise the wife also to her husband.
First, it should be noted that the Bible always describes marriage as an exclusive conjugal relationship between a male and a female (Gen. 2:22-24). Once in a state of marriage, the couple has great sexual freedom (Gen. 2:23-24). The Bible does not provide a list of do’s and don’ts. Instead, the couple is governed by that to which they both agree (1 Cor. 7:3-5). In sexual matters the husband and wife have equal authority (1 Cor. 7:4). The married couple should function as “one flesh” (Gen. 2:22). Each one is to consider his or her partner’s needs as equal to his or her own.
Paul warned married couples to stop depriving one another of sex, except by agreement (1 Cor. 7:5). One reason for this warning is that when there is disharmony in their marriage, the efficacy of their prayer life is greatly diminished (1 Cor. 7:5). The Christian’s prayer life is of great importance. Christians are instructed to devote themselves to prayer (1 Cor. 7:5; Col. 4:2). Prayer sustains the couple, their family, their community, their nation, and the world. Scripture teaches that the prayer of a righteous person has much power to change the world (Prov. 15:29; Jas. 5:16; 1 Pet. 3:12). For example, we are instructed to pray for the return of Christ and His coming visible and political Kingdom (Mat. 6:10). This will not happen if our prayers have no efficacy.